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Reflecting on Christmas

Its a chilly grey afternoon in early January and we have finished off the Quality Street and the last piece of shortbread.

The relatives have gone home, you are back at work, kids back at school and college and everyones on a healthy living kick! But before we move on from the festive memories of 2017 completely, here are some reflections of POTATO in the last few weeks.

Many families are missing having their adoptee at home, and over Christmas the sense that we have to be together and having a great idilic family time is all around you. Tough for many. Those with their adoptees at home it is a time of managing expectations around presents, relatives and appropriate thank yous.

Several adoptive parents who have their adoptee in prison, in “supported living” (which often leaves a frightening chasm of need that we try to fill from a distance), section 20 voluntary care provision and families that simply cannot manage to be together as the pressure of Christmas is too much.

Hm. Well its not all miserable!

One great big lovely cyber hug doesn't always deliver the support required and so a few years ago we began a SECRET SANTA.

This year, we have enjoyed the most successful time with over 60 members taking part from all over the UK. The committee and members are hugely grateful for the hard work of our Kindness Gifts organiser and to all who joined in.

“I was overwhelmed to receive my secret santa present, it is the only gift I get for me each year. Thank you for organising it.”

“It was happiness in a box and I grinned from ear to ear thinking of the soak I would enjoy with smellies just for me.”

“An amazing set of little things for me to enjoy, thank you secret santa.”

In addition to sending gifts to each other, several members sent cards, letters, magazines and small gifts to TATs (traumatised adopted teens) in prison over Christmas. POTATO really does have some exceptionally kind and practically caring members.

If you are an adoptive parent and would like to join our group please visit our membership page


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