There are a large number of families with traumatised adoptees who have been subjected to child protection enquiries.

Our group has experienced the whole range of enquiries, from the simple set of questions by a social worker to full child protection conferences.
The vast majority of these are about the young adopted person making false allegations. These allegations can be to do with the young person’s anger, emotional turmoil at the time or simply confusion with which memory belongs to which set of adults.
Prior to adoption, our families were fully vetted and accepted as excellent prospective parents. We are often told by CAMHS and Post Adoption that we are doing a really great job with really hard kids.
However, often the fact that it is an adopted, deeply traumatised and attachment disordered individual making an allegation is not fully recognised by the authorities.
Sonya talks about her experiences with the authorities following a false allegation against her.
If you are an adoptive parent and would like to join our group please visit our membership page