Jul 26, 2018Help! Is this what you’re saying to social care?Our members often find it difficult to get much in terms of support from the various services. We wonder if the following letter, written...
Apr 9, 2018Mental Health is feeling ill….Good evening everybody. This evenings piece, ready for you is by someone in POTATO who has become quite an expert in mental health...
Feb 27, 2018Moving on up, moving on out!Yes, now you’ve got that 90s classic zipping through your head- have a read of this weeks excellent blog. Listen here: Moving on up,...
Feb 6, 2018Bamboo 2Doing a big thing like Thailand is such a huge leap for any family, let alone one with a traumatised young person. Just got in from...
Jun 17, 2017Bamboo scaffoldingWelcome to this months Blog piece all about the wonderful founder member from our group taking her TAT (Traumatised Adopted Teen) away on...
Apr 3, 2017New venture with a BLOG.We are very excited to announce that we have begun a regular weekly blog of: articles, reflections, blog diaries and information...